Miss Daisy Drivers
Miss Daisy Drivers

Personal transportation service for older adults by appointment seven days per week. Rides must originate in Sonoma area. Drivers drive to destinations inside or outside of Sonoma County and can help with personal errands. Hourly rate of $35 per hour.
The goal of a Miss Daisy driver is to provide a safe and comfortable experience for you or your family member. We at Daisy Drivers provide Hands-On assistance if needed making daily outings into the community a breeze and enjoyable. One of the services that the Daisy Driver offers, Is Hands-On assistance to the doctor’s office if that is something that you need. We not only take you to the doctors and wait assuring your safety, we’re happy to take notes for you if that’s something you’re interested in. Above all always advocating Independence. If you have a community need we are able to help you. Please feel free to call us and make an appointment.