Reservations will be taken for next day and up to seven days in advance of a ride. To schedule, call Volunteer Wheels in Sonoma County:
TDD: 707-573-3381
Sonoma County Paratransit
Reservations will be taken for next day and up to seven days in advance of a ride. To schedule, call Volunteer Wheels in Sonoma County:
TDD: 707-573-3381
Sonoma County Paratransit

We provide door-to-door paratransit service to people whose disabilities prevent them from using fixed route public transit. These vans vary their routes based on riders’ destinations, but must be scheduled in advance.
Individuals interested in using Sonoma County Paratransit service must be registered and certified as ADA eligible before using the service. To apply for ADA paratransit service, call Sonoma County Transit at 707-585-7516 to request an application be mailed to you. Complete the application and return to Sonoma County Transit. Your eligibility request will be processed within 21 days of receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact Sonoma County Transit at 707-585-7516.